The First Calling
"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him." John 4:23
God has put a longing in the hearts of man to worship. It is something embedded so deeply into each and everyone of us no matter how much sin has corrupted our early lives we still seek to worship. Before anyone was ever called to preach, or to be a missionary, or to evangelize their very first calling is to be a worshiper of the Most High God.
Worship requires the right object and the right focus. Too many times we focus on something other than God and make it the object of our worship. Worship is an expression of how we feel about a person or thing. When we allow other things to take precedence in our life then our worship becomes idolatrous, and we need to refocus our priorities. For example, we can get caught up praising our car, our job or our families and overlook the One who granted those blessings. It’s always a bad thing to focus on the gift rather than the giver. We praise Him for what He’s done; but we worship Him for who He is.
He is righteous, holy, kind, gracious, faithful, all knowing, all wise, totally magnificent, and it is this knowledge that drives us to that place that we worship Him in spirit and in truth. For the Father seeks such to worship Him. Worship demands a response. When we worship there should be demonstrative activity, not lethargic attitude. Worship is a matter of attitude about Jesus, and how we express that attitude is our choosing, but we MUST do it.
Look at Job. His life came crashing down, but he still worshiped. Why is that? He realized the even though his circumstances changed, his God didn’t. God remains the same, so we must choose to magnify him in spite of our disasters.
No matter what season you are in in life whether be good times or bad, we are still called to worship God. I encourage you today to honor the call of God and become a worshiper!